About — Encore Faith

About Encore Faith

Encore Faith works with Catholic parishes to create a culture of radical hospitality that enables parishioners to experience a life-changing encounter with Jesus. Using Archbishop Allen Vigneron's pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, as our call to action, we've created a systematic approach to develop collaborative and cohesive hospitality teams. 

In his letter, Archbishop Vigneron writes:

Jesus Christ makes all things new! He himself is at work to renew his Church in the Archdiocese of Detroit. He is pouring out his Holy Spirit anew so that every member of the Church may be formed and sent forth as a joyful missionary disciple so that the Gospel may be unleashed in Southeast Michigan. 

From helping families live out radical hospitality in their homes to organizing actionable and accountable teams within a parish, we're working to more fervently unleash the Gospel in our communities.

What Is Radical Hospitality?

Radical hospitality is a concept that St. Benedict introduced more than 1,500 years ago. He wrote, "All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ."  This simple statement shows that hospitality is an ideal for all Christians who wish to connect closely with God and one another. Vibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice radical hospitality – the active desire to welcome and care for those who may be strangers so that everyone finds a spiritual home and discovers for themselves the unending richness of life in Christ.